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Sponsor a Fundraising Campaign

You Can Make a Difference

Grow your Brand

Corporate Sponsorship

Sponsorship of a seed campaign will bring considerable attention to your brand. Your brand will be associated and celebrated with the entire 8-month campaign which kicks off with seed sales and ends with a celebration in early autumn. You will be promoted by the organization hosting the campaign and recognized by every seed grower in your community and the local arts families partnered with SeedAStart! These sunflowers will surely start a movement. The time to get involved in the next growing season is now.

Programs to Sponsor
sponsorship seed packets

Grow a Creative Mind and Spirit

Individual Sponsorship

If you were a child painter, dancer, musician or actor you certainly can recall how it felt to be a part of that community. To create with your hands, mind and body. To practice, to fail and to succeed. Individuals can partially or fully fund the scholarship of a single child or multiple children. You can support an ongoing classroom experience or assist with summer camp. Share the joy you experienced as a child.

Childrens Show
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